Destroyed car discourages destructive habits

GEICO donates car, represents the “Get It Together” safe driving program

Car donated by GEICO to voice safe driving to students.

Mia Stoeckel

Car donated by GEICO to voice safe driving to students.

Driving into the school’s student parking lot, it’s hard to miss the destroyed car in front of the marquee board. This crashed car and the “DRIVE SAFE DOLPHINS” poster hanging off of it represent the “Get It Together” program.

“GEICO donated the car,” said administrator James Imbriale.

The program promotes driving safe by representing the National Seat-Belt Campaign. They focus on distracted driving, which includes texting while driving; the reason the car was destroyed in the first place. 

“I hate looking at [the wrecked car], but I guess that’s kinda the point,” said senior Kamy Vance. “There’s been a lot of accidents in the parking lot this year so hopefully this encourages safe driving.”