New water fountains promote environmentally-friendly habits
Junior Nina Dao refills Hydroflask using Elkay water fountain, located in the cafeteria foyer.
November 1, 2019
Administration welcomed water bottle filling stations, a local solution to a global impact. Located in the cafeteria and gym foyers, Elkay water bottle water fountains advocate for the use of reusable water bottles and make for easy fill access.
“The initial places they put them are by the gym and the cafeteria, and those are two standard starting points for a school of this size. We’re looking at potentially having one of two put upstairs and see how they go,” said vice-principal James Imbriale.
Students across the school have taken advantage of the new system by refilling more than 1,000 bottles, collectively, since their installment.
“They’ve been met with pretty good reviews so far,” said Imbriale.