Rethink renovation
Renovation proves more sustainable than eco-destroying construction
Construction eats up natural land on Princess Anne Road.
November 24, 2019
While once well-reserved lands turn into concrete jungles, older buildings throughout Hampton Roads community sit bare. Because Virginia Beach is one of the most rapidly growing cities in the country, construction is inevitable, but where they do it can be controlled.
According to The Virginia Pilot, Jim Utterback, head of the Hampton Roads District of the Virginia Department of Transportation, estimates 4.9 billion dollars in construction throughout Hampton Roads. That cost is for major interstate constructions and does not include the costs of smaller projects throughout the region.
“I personally believe that renovating old structures proves to be more eco-friendly than building new ones, and more cost-effective,” said junior Kyler Ferracci.
According to research, renovating is more sustainable than making new buildings that destroy the ecosystem a little at a time. With unrestrained development, comes irreversible damage.
“If they keep building at the rate they do, there will be fewer natural places to enjoy,” said sophomore Cailan Juhas.