Royalty stomps into year with 11 new members
Step team poses for a photograph at practice in the cafeteria foyer on Oct. 23.
November 17, 2019
The royalty step team captivates the student body during assemblies, and with 11 new freshmen added to the group, the crowd is bound to experience something new.
“It’s not easy because it’s a drastic change for them, and they have to understand it’s not middle school or elementary anymore. This is high school,” said Lashonya Seymore, a sophomore.
The team expects the freshmen to practice just as hard as the upperclassmen.
“Being on the step team requires a lot of discipline; therefore, at the beginning of the year, we check all of that,” said Lashonya.
According to squad members, they have to practice, have confidence, and listen to make sure they perfect the routine.
“They can pass on new steps or dances if they were on a step team or dance team before, and they can bring new energy; we need more people on our step team,” said Jadia Peavy, a sophomore.
The team works hard to advance and train the freshmen, so they are prepared once they enter the gymnasium to perform.
“Step has taught me encouragement, endurance, and how to be confident,” said freshman Lachelle Bartlett.
Recently, more boys have been eager to join the team.
“I think that boys are scared of doing things that girls can. Boys are all about masculinity, and I think it’s okay to do more feminine things. Also, I’m on the step team, so I show boys that they can join,” said sophomore Demikael Scruggs.
Their last performance was held at the homecoming assembly on Friday, Nov. 8.
Sequoia Wilcox • Nov 18, 2019 at 1:54 pm
Great article!