Rachel Zidow

Luksik sits in his English 12 class after receiving a perfect score on his ACT.

Nathan Luksik

Binary stock trader

“I was interested in making more money than a minimum wage job can offer,” said senior Nathan Luksik, who is a binary stock trader. “I look at a certain stock and pretty much guess as to whether or not it will be at a certain value at a certain time. I really just call or quit, and if it’s above where I say it will be, then I get the money back, and I get some money; however, if it’s below the value I think it’s going to be, then I lose money.”

Nathan has other hobbies as well.

“My dad was an FA-18 pilot, so I grew up around an aviation community,” said Luksik, who is also working on his private pilot license. “He said if I want to do aviation in my future, I have to at least look into [a private pilot license]. I went on a trip with my friend, and he had a private pilot license; it was really fun, so I thought maybe I should get one too. It’s a more interesting way to travel than going by car.”

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