Atlantic Shores lands new football transfers
Kai Hodge answers questions about his recent transfer to Atlantic Shores Christian.
September 18, 2020
COVID-19 has canceled and complicated seasons for countless high school athletes, which takes away opportunities for recruitment and scholarships; as of now, nobody can tell if high school seniors will have a football season. Many senior players across the 757 have made the move to transfer to Atlantic Shores Christian School in order to play football. Due to the pandemic, all public school football seasons were postponed to mid-February; however, private schools may still have their regular fall season.
“I really just did it to improve academically and athletically. With the fall sports being canceled for public schools, it was a no brainer for me to transfer and get my senior season back just in case there is no season in the spring,” said junior Carlos Smith.
Since his transfer, several of Hodge’s fellow teammates and players, like Carlos, have joined him at the private school. Others include Damien Mazel and Kaden Beatty- these are just a few names that have chosen to reclass as a junior at Atlantic Shores. These players’ hopes are not only to get more recognition on the field, but they also want a chance to improve in the classroom. These guys have a different love for the game of football but know the importance of school and academics as their ticket into their college of choice.
“We’ve left the door open for opportunity. We’ll see what other schools are available as well, not only within the conference, but outside,” said head football coach Wayne Lance on News Channel 3.
Jeff • Oct 10, 2020 at 3:50 pm
Great article!!