Freshmen first to take on face-to-face instruction
The freshmen from Fara Wiles English class toured the building as they walked 6-feet apart to social distance.
October 7, 2020
This year’s freshmen return to the classroom on Oct. 8 after a seven-month absence due to COVID-19 safety requirements.
Class of 2024 returns first face-to-face, in hopes to smoothly shift to their first year of high school. This allows them time to meet the faculty, learn the schedule, and acclimate to the building.
“Freshmen need more time to transition [from middle school to high school] and learn the building, building protocols, expectations, high school schedule, high school pacing,” said Principal Claire LeBlanc. “We also feel we need time to get to know our freshmen.”
The school setting will appear different due to proper safety measures being taken, and 305 students entered the building. Fifty-seven teachers also returned to the building to accommodate the freshmen.
“Student desks will be spaced three feet apart, students must wear masks, hallways will be one-way,” said Assistant Principal Leah Nelson.
Teachers believe the first days back operated fluidly, and both students and staff easily grappled the transition.
“The students handled the days gracefully,” said ninth grade English teacher Ashley Adams. “They didn’t complain, and I believe they enjoyed their first few days in the building.”
After weeks of preparation, administration and the freshmen considered the first week a success.
“The first day of school was great in my opinion. The teachers were very clear to us to stay six feet apart. I know that this is not how some of us want to go to school, but this may be the way we have to right now. Keeping the mask on the whole day was the biggest struggle for me. I would suggest for the teachers to designate certain times in the class in which we can take our masks off. Other than that one suggestion, the first day of school was amazing, and I love the school and teachers,” said freshman Ethan Moran.