Mankind’s Best Friend
Buddy Bishop, sporting a fancy tie, looks up at his owner, Cooper Bishop, in the front foyer of his house. Photo: Cooper Bishop
December 7, 2020
Furry friends prove reliable to bring some cheer during COVID-19 quarantine. Students said that their dogs and/or cats give them more of a routine because they have the responsibility of feeding or walking their pets.
“If I had not had my dogs, Toby, Riley, and Samson during this lock-down, my life would have been so plain and lifeless. I rely on them for my social interaction now that I am not in face-to-face schooling,” said sophomore Tanner Millirons.
According to the America Veterinary Medical Association, an average of 64 percent of people in the United States have a dog or cat in their household.
“If I were in a pet-less home, I think my life during quarantine would be drastically different. My life would be a lot messier. The responsibility of feeding and giving my cats attention everyday adds spice and routine to my life,” said sophomore Kalye Anderson.
In a recent Instagram poll @theolhscurrent, 94% of 526 participants said that pets have helped them mentally in quarantine.
“[Buddy] was sort of an escape away from my family. When I couldn’t see my friends and go outside, but I was tired of my family, I had Buddy to keep me company,” said sophomore Cooper Bishop.