Yearbook goes the distance, produces despite obstacles

Yearbook staff members, Amba May Parker, Justine Newman, and Bella Kapp make edits and add final touches to the 2021 yearbook in Room 145.
May 28, 2021
Although obstacles stood in the way of the 2021 yearbook, the staff remained persistent and worked to perfect it.
“Our yearbook staff really struggled getting photos during the beginning of the school year. Now that we have come back to school, we can use our cameras to take pictures of students, and there are more opportunities for us,” said sophomore Kaya Dargusch.
Amidst the challenges of COVID-19, the class found several ways to problem solve and produce a complete end product.
“Yearbook production and sales are higher than ever despite COVID-19,” said staff adviser Ashley Adams.
One way that the class surpassed the challenges was employing the school and surrounding community to send in photos for various spreads that showcased the 2020-21 school year.
“We reached out via classes, the school webpage, and various social media platforms. Our Gmail account has helped us organize submissions for the literary magazine and the yearbook,” said Adams.
The class also used various social media platforms, as well as collaborations with other groups like The Current.
“Working with journalism and other classes helped get us more quotes to put in the yearbook for our stories, as well as helping us with pictures,” said senior Lily Heck.
Even with the struggles this year brought, the yearbook class remained calm and remembered to have fun every once in a while.
“My favorite part about this year was creating new spreads in the field hockey section because it’s what I’m most passionate about, even though the school year was different than normal,” said Lily.
Yearbooks can be purchased at