Students to participate in Return to School Events
Students participate in the return to school building tour event on Sept. 1 at Ocean Lakes, guided by SCA students Naya Thompson and Ruoming Shen.
September 1, 2021
Back to School Night will look a little different this year. With a link, published on Sept. 1, students, new and old, can explore the building and faculty of Ocean Lakes. Anyone interested in touring the building in person can do so if they sign up on the Ocean Lakes website.
“Due to recent changes in COVID-19 protocols, we will not be hosting our in-person Return to School events on Aug. 31 and Sept. 1. We will shift towards an asynchronous virtual format,” said Principal, Claire LeBlanc.
Students started to participate in a physical tour of the building on Sept. 1 and will resume on Sept. 2, both days from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. SCA students lead the tours.
“It’s been great to be back in the building and helping other students, since the school year is starting to get into full swing and all the clubs and activities will come back,” said senior guide, Gabriel Gonzalez.
To sign up for the tour, students will use this Sign Up Genius link:
New students can find helpful details about the first day of school, schedules, getting involved in the school community, and much more, on the Ocean Lakes website or via
“I’m looking forward to seeing my friends again and being in a classroom. Learning in a classroom environment is a lot more natural for me than learning through a screen, “ said junior, Nate Garcia.