Humans of OL: Chloe Purvis

"She has jumped into goal with such a positive attitude. she is working hard and making a lot of progress. Chloe is making a lot of saves in practice and was voted for co-captain," said coach Lauren Logan.

Lauren Logan

“She has jumped into goal with such a positive attitude. she is working hard and making a lot of progress. Chloe is making a lot of saves in practice and was voted for co-captain,” said coach Lauren Logan.

Sydney Teeter, Co-Editor-in-Chief

“I have never been into sports, but beginning high school, I searched for a sport to keep me busy during the year. In early January, the girls’ lacrosse posters caught my eye in the hallways. I attended an interest meeting, and after seeing how many other girls were interested, I knew it was for me. I attended all of conditioning throughout February and March, preparing for the season beginning late April. I knew immediately that I wanted to be a goalie. The power a goalie holds (and being able to control a whole group of seven defenders) caught my interest. I still remember the first time I put on goalie gear and got in the cage. I knew that it was for me. I will never forget hearing that I got 18 saves in my first JV game, and knowing that I was going to play varsity, was an amazing feeling. I couldn’t have done it without my coaches and encouragement from the other girls on the team. I am so lucky to attend Ocean Lakes, a school where you can be new at something yet still greatly succeed,” said freshman Chloe Purvis.