NHS brings back tutor services

Tutor and NHS member Tyler O’Berry stands outside the Blue and Gold Room to promote tutoring services on Nov. 21.
December 7, 2022
The improvement of scholarship, citizenship, service and character among students are the main objectives of the National Honor Society (NHS). This year, the class of 2023 NHS chapter has reestablished after-school tutoring sessions.
“I love watching people grow and improve. Sometimes this doesn’t happen in just one session but it can happen over the course of several sessions and watching them grasp concepts that they had misunderstandings in is really special,” said scholarship co-chair Karstan Bock.
According to Karstan, NHS tutoring has had several changes over the past few years, from when it was virtual on Zoom last year to being back in person this year. Although the platform for teaching has been through a few transitions, the hope to help students has not changed.
“In particular, it has been for algebra 2/trig; however, we welcome all subjects to tutoring: biology, chemistry, physics, calculus, math analysis/precalculus, history and other subjects. We don’t just help you with subject content, as we can also help you with tips on how to be a better learner, how to take better notes and how to study more effectively,” said scholarship co-chair Cedrick Dimaranan.
According to Cedrick, there are about two to three people that come for tutoring regularly. These numbers can fluctuate throughout the year but NHS is always eager to help all students from any grade level.
“I got tutored in AP Calculus AB recently, mainly for homework. I found out through my math teacher who told us and I saw posters with QR codes around the school, ” said junior Reyhan Akkale.
Based on Reyhan’s experience, tutoring has been going well, and she says there are also bit.ly links on flyers to make it easier for students to sign up.
“There’s a whiteboard near the blue and gold room with updates about NHS peer tutoring to keep up to date on what is to come,” said Karstan.