Leadership Workshop returns to camp, aims to build student leaders
Senior Vincent Baker and juniors Anna Kainkuzniewski and Rev Renukunta promote Leadership Workshop in room 127 on Jan. 23, 2023.
February 11, 2023
Leadership Workshop returns to an out-of-school setting since 2019, due to COVID regulations.
“Workshop this year is at Camp Silver Beach, and it is an overnight event compared to last year where it was at school,” said Workshop student staff member Summerlin Gates.
Twenty-six Leadership Workshop staff members began their round up on Jan. 11, 2023, during advisory in an all-school assembly in the school gym. Workshop advisors, Christina Barnhart, Joanna Buonviri and Reece Benzel, presented an informational slideshow about the weekend and introduced the student staff.
“Students will learn new leadership skills through participation in games, icebreakers and competitions. Most importantly, delegates will form new friendships that will last forever,” said advisor Christina Barnhart.
Originally due Jan. 31, 2023, the application’s deadline extended to Feb. 3, giving seniors the opportunity to apply.
“We wanted to give people more of a chance to be selected for the workshop. Allowing more people to apply would allow us to pick the best of the best for this experience,” said Summerlin.
Staff and advisors posted the delegate decisions on Feb. 7, on the wall outside room 146. In order to confirm their participation, selected delegates put a check next to their name. 104 out of 125 of these delegates confirmed their participation, and delegates picked up packets that included important dates for workshop, permission and medical forms, Camp Silver Beach waiver and Remind sign up. Advisor Christina Barnhart passed out packets that delegates did not pick up.
“Delegates will receive instruction on selected and relevant topics throughout the weekend,” said Principal Claire LeBlanc. “In addition, delegates will be encouraged to ask thoughtful questions and take careful notes that can be relayed to their fellow organization members when they return to school.”