A dive into May’s cultural significance
Designed with Canva, Graphic by Manju Mure
This graphic shows all the countries that encompass AAPI heritages along with a globe surrounded by the words “Asian American and Pacific Islander Month.”
May 6, 2023
“My heritage as an Asian American is an integral proponent to my identity. Being a first-generation Asian American means empowerment of the laughs, tears and stories that brought me to the U.S,” said senior Jumana Zara.
For students who embrace multicultural origins, diversity becomes a big aspect of who they are. However, this concept of equality and diversification is a result of slow change over time.
“There has been a lot of meaningful progression in the AAPI community with overcoming stereotypes and racism, while also finding more meaningful representation,” said senior Madi Wong. “Steps to help spread awareness against those things, especially thanks to online activism, definitely gives hope for a more equal and equitable future.”
Awareness has spread largely across platforms and is being further integrated into the film-making industry.
With topics such as the importance of Asian American identity, movies like “Everything Everywhere All at Once” encompass cultural values and represent that films are more than entertainment. They are a view into heritage and culture.
In order to progress forward, it’s important to take note of the immense hardship individuals of the AAPI community have faced over the years.
According to npr.com, the first Japanese immigrants who arrived in 1843, worked several hours on the Transcontinental Railroad, leading to the advancement of transportation. These heroes were prominent both in the past and new heroes continue to make an impact in the present.
“To me, my grandma is such an influential person in the AAPI community. She’s constantly sharing love through traditional aspects of our culture and never fails to try to add a little fun into small things like cooking,” said senior Camryn Rozier.
By showing gratitude, recognizing other groups’ culture and supporting those who stem from Asian American and Pacific Islander heritage, it is a progression to making the world a better place.
“Sometimes, living in a world where you are expected to act a certain way can feel demanding. It’s okay to not fit into a neat box: culture is what you make of it, not what others make it out to be,” said Jumana.