Boys lacrosse propels to the end
Varsity lacrosse lines up against Franklin High School on May 19, 2023, at Salem High School for region quarterfinals.
May 22, 2023
Boys varsity lacrosse finished their regular season on May 12, 2023, ending the season with a 10-4 record and third in the beach district.
Boys have pushed through the few losses and injuries they have endured this season and managed to come together as a team to persevere into playoffs.
“We grew as a team; we took super athletic kids who had never picked up a stick before and made them lacrosse players,” said senior Aidan Grundy.
This year marks the first year lacrosse was considered a varsity sport in Hampton Roads, a decision made in 2021.
“The school overall has a better attitude towards lacrosse as a sport now that it’s official,” said sophomore Gavin Workman.
The team started off the season with an immense win against Norfolk Christian High School with a result of 14-1 and continued to defeat a number of teams which made them third in the beach district and sixth in the 757.
“We prepare for and walk into each game with the intent to win. Well worry about our next game after we take care of our current one,” said head coach Mark Keller.
Lacrosse is more than a sports team for the boys, it’s a brotherhood. A key part of lacrosse is working with each other and having open communication.
“Communication on defense is a must, with slides and calling cutters,” said Gavin.
Region quarterfinals took place on May 19, 2023, at Salem High School. The dolphins showed up and brought their all and triumphed with a score of 18-3.
Region semifinals will take on May 24, 2023, at Cosby High School against Cosby at 5:30 p.m.
“We have to play the same way we did in the first round, we can get the job done,” said sophomore Kelly Williams.