Science meets HRSD on earth action day

Waste water continues on the cycle of treatment at Atlantic Treatment Plant on May 23, 2023.

Marlie Smith

Waste water continues on the cycle of treatment at Atlantic Treatment Plant on May 23, 2023.

Marlie Smith, Staff Writer

Earth Action Day was held on May 23, 2023, and 50 students from Ocean Lakes experienced lessons in chemistry and biology on a tour of the Atlantic Treatment Plant. 

Students learned exactly how the plant works.

“The tour taught me so much about the process of water treatment, and it gave me a new perspective of the whole plant itself,” said sophomore Ginger Garcia.

Beginning with the preliminary treatment bar screening where wastewater is screened, removing solids, such as grit and sand. From there, the water is sent to six primary clarifiers where solids settle to the bottom while fats, oil and grease are skimmed off the top. 

The process then continues in six aeration tanks, where native bacteria consume organic material in the water. From there, the water is sent to the secondary clarifiers. Bacteria and solids settle out of the water and are sent back to the aeration tanks to be reused. Afterward, the water is disinfected in chlorine contact tanks, using sodium hypochlorite. Now the process is done, and the water is pumped into the Atlantic Ocean. 

According to, using multiple parts of this process, odorous air is captured and conveyed to three wet scrubbers and one biological media scrubber to provide odor control.

“The information I learned actually made me think about maybe one day pursuing a career with HRSD,” said Ginger.

54 million gallons of water are treated each day, and the plant is staffed 24 hours a day to ensure everything runs smoothly.

“HRSD’s Christel Dyer and her team of volunteers made Earth Action Day 2023 a very special event,” said Michelle Bailey-Hennessey.