“I have always been super interested in the marine environment and the exploration of it. Recently, I decided that I wanted to receive my SCUBA certification. I went through Lynnhaven Dive Center, and after two long weeks of training and traveling to a SCUBA lake in northern Virginia, I received my Scuba Schools International (SSI) certification. It was one of the greatest experiences I have ever had, and it is going to make such a difference in the future, with my career path plans. I am currently pursuing multiple specialty certifications and working my way towards being a dive guide. I would definitely recommend SCUBA to anyone interested in exploration, water or marine life.”
Humans of OL: Ava Kruciak
Student aspires to be a dive guide
Chloe Purvis, Webmaster
March 19, 2024
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About the Contributor
Chloe Purvis, News Editor
Chloe Purvis is a third-year journalist and news editor for The Current. Outside of school she enjoys traveling, baking and hanging out with friends. In the future, she hopes to attend Old Dominion University.