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“Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes” swings into mediocrity

(Caesar (Planet of the Apes)/Wikipedia/CC BY-SA 4.0)

Caesar, the protagonist of the first three Planet of the Apes movies, stares at a human civilization in “Dawn of the Planet of the Apes” (2014). He brings his ape army to send a threat.
(Caesar (Planet of the Apes)/Wikipedia/CC BY-SA 4.0) Caesar, the protagonist of the first three Planet of the Apes movies, stares at a human civilization in “Dawn of the Planet of the Apes” (2014). He brings his ape army to send a threat.

“Apes together strong.”

One of the most iconic lines in the Planet of the Apes saga. 

Caesar spoke the line in “Rise of the Planet of the Apes” (2011) after liberating apes from an abusive primate shelter; symbolizing an unbreakable bond between apes. 

The phrase perfectly represented the next two movies (“Dawn of the Planet of the Apes” in 2014 and “War of the Planet of the Apes” in 2018), but the fourth, “Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes,” would fail to represent the union of primates.

“Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes,” first released on May 8, 2024, takes place several generations after Caesar died in “War of the Planet of the Apes.” The setting, a dystopian world, follows the effects of a widespread virus that increases an ape’s intelligence but is proven lethal to humans.

The movie’s main plot would be easy to follow if it was the first movie of a new saga, as it veers off of the story from the first three movies and presents a whole new plot.

The movie follows a young ape named Noa who sets out to free his captured clan, the Eagle Clan, from a rival ape group that believes they are carrying out Caesar’s will. Along the way, Noa meets a human named Mae. 

Mae is one of the main reasons the story was difficult to follow, as her character could not establish a position towards helping or destroying the apes. 

For example, Mae almost killed the main character, Noa, after promising she would help him. Then a couple of scenes later, she travels to Noa’s home to apologize but is hiding a firearm behind her back.

The highlight of the movie is how astounding the graphics and visuals were. The apes looked as if they were real, and the landscapes seen throughout the film were breathtaking.

If viewers want a movie that captures the essence of present-day movie technology, “Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes” is a substantial choice. But, those looking for a plot that is easy to follow should deviate to other possibilities.

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About the Contributor
Jamison Gutierrez
Jamison Gutierrez, Staff Writer
Jamison Gutierrez is a freshman and a first-year journalism student. He has two younger siblings and enjoys playing and watching football, basketball and lacrosse.  His other hobbies include going to the beach, bodyboarding, lifting, snorkeling, surfing and contributing to the community. In the future, Jamison hopes to become a Sports Editor for The Current.

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