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Multi-sport Division III commit named Female Athlete of the Year

Peyton dribbles past a defender on May 19, 2023, at the Virginia Beach Sportsplex against Tallwood High School. The Dolphins secured the 8-0 victory over the Lions. Photo used with permission from Tim Logg.

Under the bright stadium lights, senior Peyton Staub defends the goal with a determined mindset to win.

The center-back varsity captain was awarded Female Athlete of the Year by the Ocean Lakes coaching staff and recently committed to North Carolina Wesleyan University (NCWU) to further her athletic and academic career.

“I am super excited to play soccer in college and continue to play the sport I love competitively,” said Peyton. “I will miss all my friends and old teammates, but I look forward to the family-like atmosphere on the NCWU team.”

NCWU is a Division III school located in Rocky Mount, North Carolina. Peyton plans to major in kinesiology on a pre-physical therapy track.

“She is a rockstar,” said varsity soccer coach Christine Thornton. “She makes her teammates better, and it is no surprise she is playing at the collegiate level.”

Peyton began playing soccer at the age of 8 and has not left the field since. 

“My family motivates me the most,” said Peyton. “They have always supported me throughout the years and been there for me through the rough patches.”

In addition to soccer, she is also a captain and midfielder in field hockey. Her hard work secured her the recognition of First Team All-Region her junior year.

“When I step onto the field, I instantly feel content and in a good head space,” said Peyton. “Soccer and field hockey always put me in a good mood.”

Peyton is a positive influence on her teammates, on and off the field.

“She has done a great job at leading the team this year,” said freshman Anna Orchard-Hays, Peyton’s teammate on the soccer team. “She will be greatly missed, but the impact she has left on us will stay forever.” 

Thirty-eight coaches nominated three other athletes for the award; but Peyton received the highest number of votes, according to Eric Blackmore, student activities coordinator.

“I think Peyton is a great representative for the award for Ocean Lakes,” said Blackmore. “The comments I received about her were amazing.”

Peyton attended the Virginia Beach Sports Club (VBSC) jamboree on May 29, 2024, and was the Ocean Lakes nominee for the VBSC Athlete of the Year.

“I feel so happy and privileged to be named Female Athlete of the Year,” said Peyton. “I would like to thank my coaches and peers who have pushed me to grow into the athlete that I have become.”

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Chloe Purvis
Chloe Purvis, Webmaster
Chloe Purvis is a second-year journalist and webmaster for The Current. Outside of school she enjoys traveling, baking and hanging out with friends. In the future, she hopes to attend Old Dominion University.

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