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Top thespians recognized at theatre awards banquet

Seniors Jae Cook and Bailey Pohl smile after being presented with the OLTC Diamond Career Award on June 1, 2024. The award is the highest honor in OLTC. Photo used with permission from Claude Blanchard.

The Ocean Lakes Theatre Company (OLTC) held its annual banquet and awards ceremony on June 1, 2024.

In its 30th season, the OLTC put on three shows: A Midsummer Night’s Dream in November, The Importance of Being Earnest in February and The Sound of Music in April.

“The current OLTC Executive Board (EB) plans the banquet and chooses the theme, which was ‘My Favorite Things,’” said theatre director Claude Blanchard.

This year, the EB was led by seniors Matthew Bach II and Bailey Pohl as troupe presidents, while senior Jae Cook and junior Andrew Friedman served as vice presidents. Senior Victoria Maldonado, sophomore Grace Kavanaugh and juniors Bri Curry, Lyla McGowen, Amanda Morris and Myah Lasky acted as officers.

“The biggest strengths of the theatre company this year were the students from all grade levels that really put in effort,” said Blanchard. “One example is the von Trapp children from The Sound of Music. One was a senior, three were juniors, one was a sophomore and two were freshmen. In OLTC, we cast students who are right for the roles and not just based on their grade levels, which can be unique in some schools.”

The banquet began at 6 p.m. and ended at 11 p.m. In accordance with the theme, students dressed up as their favorite things. There were Disney characters, superheroes, cowboys and many more unique interpretations. In addition to senior speeches and food, there were door prizes, games and Dolphin Drama Desk Awards, which are the Ocean Lakes version of the Tony Awards on Broadway.

Cook and Pohl also received the OLTC Diamond Career Award, the highest honor that troupe members can achieve. Honorees must be a part of the OLTC EB and be involved with the company for at least three full years.

“So much work goes into these shows, and it really takes every single person,” said Grace.

Blanchard highlights this fact as well.

“Hundreds of students worked on the various OLTC productions this season,” said Blanchard. “These students represented the casts, crews, technicians, production team members and musicians as well as six adult directors and many adult volunteers. I would like to spotlight every single person that dedicated their time, energy, passion and talents to OLTC this season.”

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Mihika Sakharpe
Mihika Sakharpe, Design Editor
Mihika Sakharpe, a freshman in the Math and Science Academy, is a design editor and first-year journalist for The Current. She loves STEM, debate and languages (seven so far). She is a cricket fanatic and would eat sushi everyday if she could. Outside of school, she is a cadet in the Civil Air Patrol. Her dream is to pursue rocketry and make humans an interplanetary species. Her goal is to write a diverse array of award-winning articles.

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