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Varsity baseball’s season comes to a close

Varsity baseball offense meets with head coach Peter Zell to discuss a mid-game debrief on June. 4, 2024, at Ocean Lakes high school for 5A State Quarter-Finals against Maury High School. Photo used with the permission of Melanie Meneses.

With a season final of 17-7, varsity baseball’s season came to an end during the 5A State Quarter-Final against the Commodore’s of Maury High School on June. 4, 2024, ending with a score of 6-7. 

¨As a team, this season has been wild and the most fun I’ve had in all my four years. We have the most bond and the scrappiest team,¨ said senior Colin Benson. ¨We do everything together and I couldn’t ask for a better team.¨

At the start of the season, the Dolphins traveled to various places as a team such as Outer Banks, First Flight, Currituck County, Norview and more for team bonding experiences along with baseball. 

“The spring break trip is always something I look forward to as a trip with my guys. It was a fun memory and we all had a great time together,¨ said junior Austin Crew. “The trip always brings our team together and gives us good team bonding with the new guys.”

The team went on to win 17 of their games this season, and made it past the 5A Region Quarter-Finals where they faced Princess Anne High School and won with a score of 2-1. They advanced to the semi-finals against Great Bridge High School which ended with a score of 12-5, in favor of the Dolphins. Then, they faced the First Colonial Patriots in the 5A Region Finals and won the game with a score of 8-6.

¨It has been a surreal feeling. Going into playoffs, we have been hot and playing with a chip on our shoulders because nobody thought we would even make it past the first round,” said senior Daved Holloway. “After proving people wrong time and time again and winning the regional championship, we know that we’re the team to watch out for.” 

The Dolphins faced the First Colonial Patriots in the 5A Region Finals and won the game with a score of 8-6.

They faced Maury High School at Ocean Lakes High School on June. 4, 2024, for the state quarter-finals and unfortunately didn’t leave ending the game the way they had hoped. 

“The game last night was a tough one to end the season on. We didn’t play as well as we could’ve and the other team played a great game so we were battling against ourselves,” said sophomore Connor Mais. “The seniors showed great leadership throughout the game and allowed us to make that game as close as it was.” 

Throughout loss and success, the Dolphins stuck together, even leading up to their final moments in the diamond. 

¨We are the Ocean Lakes Dolphins. We do what we need to do and we play how we need to play. If there’s a challenge, we step up to it and we play,¨ said senior Sean Burke. 

From starting the season with a loss to being ranked fifth in the beach district and first in the region, the team kept their heads high throughout the season.

“You have to remember, every year you make the play-offs, ever year you have the same feeling. Unless you win the state championship, then your last game is always a loss, but I couldn’t be more proud of the guys,” said head baseball coach Peter Zell.

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About the Contributor
Jade McAboy
Jade McAboy, Boys Sports Editor
Jade McAboy is a junior and a second-year journalism student. This year is her first year as the boys sports editor. Jade is also an athletic trainer for Ocean Lakes Athletic Training Team. In her free time, she enjoys beach trips, reading and hanging out with friends.

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