In this time of controversy and division, the crucial virtue of open-mindedness is too often neglected. The unwillingness to discuss differing beliefs even in the face of objective evidence will result in an overall lack of progress and growth.
Those considered to be open-minded tend to be flexible; they consider others’ values, even when they do not agree. In turn, they will likely be willing to assess their own views when presented with solid facts and consequently be able to evolve with and thrive within modern society.
On the other hand, closed-minded people tend to neglect or deny the views of others. This way of thinking is the root of the division among Americans today.
Following the results of the 2020 Presidential election, a mob of over 2,000 Americans attacked the capitol building, a testament to how closed-mindedness often leads to violence.
This riot was not only unsuccessful in its attempts to make a difference in the election, but it effectively caused further division between Americans. This goes to show that actions that originate from closed-minded ideas will only raise further controversies.
Additionally, since the turn of the century, the country has gone through unprecedented changes. As more classic ideals are challenged, the spirit of openness will allow for further growth without driving a wedge between groups with differing opinions.
However, the refusal of many Americans to accept opinions outside of their own reflects the divisive nature of our current society. As more problems arise, this mindset will be destructive if not corrected.
A recent study showed that no matter what views someone associates themselves with, they will likely reject differing opinions from their own, according to The Washington Post.
While it would be hard to fully sway someone’s original opinion, approaching debate in an attempt to find common ground is the best way to move forward.
For example, the Greek philosopher Socrates developed Socratic seminars to value civil conversation over debate. This practice is commonly used to openly discuss opinions and find solutions without argument.
People must begin to work towards compromise while still allowing differing opinions to coexist; the continuation of the lack of tolerance for new ideas will ultimately be detrimental to the future of American society.
New generations must adopt an open and accepting nature which will foster acceptance and cooperation rather than animosity and discontent.