Kindness Rocks Project reaches students
Sophomore Analise Gonzalez, junior Gwen Carter, junior Kay Brennan, and junior Natalie Pietrzak paint rocks in the media center on Tuesday, April 24.
April 24, 2018
The Kindness Rocks Project made its first appearance at Ocean Lakes in the media center on Tuesday.
TKRP describes their purpose is “to cultivate connections within communities and lift others up through simple act of kindness.”
The idea behind the TKRP is to paint a rock with the available colors and materials, and then write an uplifting or inspirational message. The rocks are then hidden around school for someone else to find and hide.
TKRP says their goal is to “connect many, inspire many and create a kinder world.”
Share photos with #thekindnessrockproject to be featured on the Facebook and Instagram page.