AMC test, designed to promote problem-solving skills
Test-takers pack up to return to their second block classes after they turned in their answer sheets.
February 15, 2019
118 students signed up to take the American Mathematics Competitions (AMC) test in the library on Feb. 7. The AMC test consisted of 25 multiple choice questions, and according to the Mathematics Association of Math, the test is designed to promote the development and enhancement of problem-solving skills.
Freshman and sophomores took the AMC 10, which includes math skills up to a tenth-grade level. Juniors and seniors took the AMC 12, which includes trigonometry, advanced algebra, and advanced geometry.
Those who scored well enough on the test will have the opportunity to move on to take the American Invitational Mathematics Exam.
“I thought it was really difficult and really tested my knowledge,” said junior Julio Bermudez. “It humbled me to know how much more I still have left to learn.”