Companies create new worlds with virtual reality

Information from Infographic created by Philip Stiles.
December 15, 2016
Imagine a system that could create an entire world of activities to do, that someone could experience at home. Virtual reality is the projection of realistic sights and sounds to create an artificial physical environment. A wide variety of applications of virtual reality, usually referred to as V.R., can be used to simulate architecture, be used for sport, medicine, and the entertainment of the user.
“The definition of virtual reality comes, naturally, from the definitions for both ‘virtual’ and ‘reality’. The definition of ‘virtual’ is near and reality is what we experience as human beings,” said the authors of, the Virtual Reality Society.
Virtual Reality is used to describe a physical, three dimensional environment. It is created by false information being presented to the senses, causing the viewer to perceive a reality which isn’t really present. V.R. system have to not only fool the senses of sight and sound, but also other senses that are less known, such as our sense of balance.
“Virtual Reality seems interesting because it puts you in an environment you’ve never experienced before,” said sophomore Landon Ste. Marie, who plays lots of video games. Virtual Reality is an experience different for every person and every system. Each system uses different technology to project the program. Some are projected through special equipment such as headsets and gloves, while some advanced systems use multi-directional treadmills. These devices work together to provide stimulation to most of the major senses. Virtual Reality is used for entertainment, but is also used for marketing purposes.
“Companies usually pay $30,000 to more than one million dollars for a virtual reality store simulation to use in market research,” said the authors at Rutgers Online.
It is estimated that the virtual reality market will be worth around $30 billion in revenue by 2020. For example, some companies use programs to simulate their stores for information. In this simulation, the user can turn, pick up and move items on a typical store shelf. This is used by corporations to figure out where to place their product and at what price the product should be sold.
“Virtual reality has a long way to go before it can join the ranks of mainstream marketing tools but it is already inching its way closer,” said Rutgers.