Senior pioneers yoga club

Autumn Holt

Yoga club members [left to right]: senior Christian Glover, teacher’s assistant Jordan Freels, senior Adrienne Mclane, and senior Alexandria Phillips practice the side plank to increase strength at their meeting on January 18.

Autumn Holt, Staff Writer

A yoga club has been created at the school.

The creator of the club is senior Adrienne Mclane.

“I wanted to establish yoga club to create a safe, loving space for students and faculty to relax and release emotions through strengthening movement for the mind and body,” said Adrienne.

According to student resource teacher and club sponsor Summer Paradiso, meetings will be held every Wednesday from 2:30-3:30pm in room 119.

“The whole reason for joining is to become more mindful, enjoy a non-competitive environment, and feel like a part of a community,” said Paradiso.

After the first meeting, the club gained five committed members. Adrienne discusses what the members did at the meeting.

“The very first thing we do in yoga club is set our intention on what we want to focus on during this practice. We start on the mat sitting or lying down with gentle stretches and slow movements. For strength building we rise up and hold poses, like the warrior and many others. We gradually flow into the end of our session, a relaxed time to sit and breathe or keep moving. As we close the practice we center back to the intention we set,” said Adrienne.

Yoga mats are provided, but club members are encouraged to bring their own if they have them.

Wear loose, comfortable clothing that is school appropriate; no shoes are required.

Any student who wants to participate may join.

“I joined yoga club in order to further promote [yoga] to younger kids, while furthering my education as a yogi,” said senior Christian Glover.