Custodians put a lock on jamming bathroom stall

Lauren Nery, Editor-in-Chief

In the upstairs women’s bathroom across from the math office, the middle stall continued to jam, leading to sometimes unfortunate situations for students.
“I have been stuck many times,” said sophomore Izzy Averia.
The experience is not a pleasant one, especially due to the fact that the bathrooms are not always squeaky clean.
“So I was trying to leave and there were people at the sinks and I turned the handle and thought ‘maybe I turned the lock the wrong way’ and I switched it and tried the door multiple times,” said Izzy. “I ended up pulling the handle down really hard and kneeling on the door so it would open. It was very embarrassing, and it happens all the time.”
Many other students have gotten stuck in the past, one of them being freshman Katie Kerrigan during the first week of school.
“I had to hold down the handle and kick down the door and I scared some girl washing her hands,” said Katie. “It was so funny.”
Even administrators have dealt with students getting stuck in stalls.
“I believe I have been notified twice, one of those times possibly last year,” said assistant principal Darcy Parker. “I did not find the student myself but someone must have notified the office and they radioed a female staff member to assist.”
Although, the embarrassment of being stuck in the stall ended when someone came to help.
“Once arriving, it was as simple as opening the door from the outside. The student inside was unharmed and relieved,” said Parker.
Luckily after enough cases of jammed stalls and hilarious stories told by the victims of them, custodians came to the rescue to solve the problem.
“[The problem] has been addressed, and I have a work order in on it,” said Head Custodian Bob Lint.
On January 18, a craftsman came to the school to fix the lock that causes the jamming of the door.