Club raises environmental awareness
Project Green Teen members and other students throw seed bombs as part of their Earth Action Day field trip at the Atlantic Treatment Plant on April 27.
May 13, 2019
Project Green Teens sponsors programs and activities that relate to the environment during meetings and in the community.
“We did cleanups, we went on a whale watching field trip, and we participated in Earth Day,” said senior and president Soraida Rocha.
During the meetings, which occur at least two times a month, members make crafts and plan events.
“We’ve got avocado seeds for replanting, and we made cones that we would put out to feed the birds in the winter,” said sponsor Elizabeth Badach.
Students attended Earth Action Day, a field trip to the Atlantic Treatment Plant, on April 27. This is the first year it has resurfaced after being discontinued in year’s past.
“We would partner with them and have different types of environmental speakers and activities so that students can come from ocean lakes, and not only learn about water quality, but learn about different types of things that are impacting the environment.”
The Green Teens are committed to increasing participation in helping the environment.
“A big part of the club is actually trying to raise awareness so that people become more aware of the environmental issues that are out there and what they can do,” said Badach.