Chorus ‘remembers the stars’ at spring concert
Senior Lauren Bacher performs her solo of “Say you’ll be there” on Tuesday, June 4 in the auditorium.
June 6, 2019
Chorus ‘remembered the stars’ at their annual spring concert.
Students sang 10 classics like “I will always love you,” “I want you back,” and “Copa Cabana,” all relative to a theme voted on in class.
“I just wanted to make the concert really fun; I know it was a fun song to sing the background [vocals] to,” said senior Lauren Bacher, who sang, “Say you’ll be there,” by the Spice Girls.
As opposed to the solos with background vocals, the concert concluded with a group number and various solos where they performed a medley of songs from the famous musical Hamilton.
“My favorite part was doing the rap parts,” said junior Julio Bermudez.
Senior Abby Snipes sang “Can’t help falling in love,” by Elvis Presley, as a slideshow of the seniors played. Afterward, the seniors handed a gift to their chorus teacher, William Boardman.
“They’re just great chorus singers who I can count on for doing everything,” said Boardman. “Their work ethic academically spills into chorus, which spills onto stage.”