POD Squad trains for new school year, provides solutions to tech issues
David Jimerson trains new pod squad member Ian Jones to problem solve a Promethean Board projection issue in room 127.
September 21, 2019
Technology Support Technician, David Jimerson, trains new POD squad members to help problem solve technical issues throughout the building.
“We are always looking for new members,” said Jimerson.
According to @olhshelpdesk.wordpress.com, Ocean Lakes High School has been a 1-to-1 device school since January of 2018. Now that every student has a device, the school division supports the use of many digital resources. The technical support staff and POD Squad continues to upgrade student resources, such as the OLHS Student Tech Guide, where students can become familiar with some of the tools, devices, and programs at use in throughout the school.
Anyone with site-based technology problems can either submit a student help desk ticket found under the student resources tab on the school’s website, stop by room 101, or send a ticket directly to [email protected].