LivelikeMason Foundation Inspirational Trail decorated for Veterans Day
From left: Meredith King, Troy Daigneau, Anthony Crispin, Dakota Gordon, Matt Escobar, Alex Cigurov, and Yusuf Cetin hold an American flag on the trail on Nov. 11.
November 12, 2019
In honor of Veterans Day, a few students decided to decorate the LiveLikeMason trail, a landmark recently created in front of the school.
Veterans Day is a national holiday where America celebrates men and women who have dedicated their lives to protect and serve. Just a year ago, a memorial trail was built for alumni Mason Calhoun, who passed away after a motorcycle accident. Science teacher Don Hart acknowledged the students’ drive to update the trail.
“Most of them have been out there before with Mason Calhoun’s family to spruce the trail up on holidays,” said Hart.
Students cleaned up trash, put down new mulch, and placed flags along the trail.