Injured athletes helped by student trainers

Gabby Moye

Student trainers, Emily Dixon, Izzy Carter, Hmah Hmeng, and Jalen Powell, pose for a picture in the training room before working athletic practices on Oct. 28.

Gabby Moye, Staff Writer

Ocean Lakes, as one of the many schools that has a student trainer program, allows students to work side by side with certified athletic trainers, helping injured athletes.

The students who participate in this program spend their time helping athletes with their injuries and providing both basic and emergency medical care. They work tirelessly during practices, games, and tournaments. 

“They’re an amazing bunch of students, they do all of the behind the scenes that people don’t see and they really enjoy it. They come in early and stay late, they work in the cold and extremely hot weather, and they do it all for our athletes. Mr. Lehan and I are truly blessed to have such an amazing group of individuals,” said Herschel Mack.

With such a large athletic department, the training room tends to remain packed. Athletes constantly seek the attention of trainers before, during and after practice, which creates a very busy environment.

“Chaos, it’s just chaos,” said junior Jalen Powell. 

All afternoon, athletes come in and out while the trainers tend to their needs. 

“The most common serious injury would probably be ankles or shoulders, I think,” said Jalen.

Anyone interested in becoming a student trainer can pick up an application in the training room from David Lehan or Herschel Mack. 

“Student training is a great experience. We learn a lot and help out while also having fun with each other. The energy is high and creates an enjoyable environment to work in,” said junior Emily Dixon.