G4 chromebooks replaced across division


Student exchanges chromebook in room 101

Turner Demers, News Editor

Students with a G4 model Chromebook own the school system’s oldest model and in Sep. 2021, this model will not support updates, thus becoming obsolete. Students can exchange all G4 model Chromebooks for a brand new G8 model at the school.

“Newer Chromebook models will provide students will a better experience overall particularly during virtual learning. The new models also have additional ports on the side to support hardware,” said administration assistant Lindsey Comfort.

Only models G4 and older will be replaced with a newer model. 

“Our Chromebooks are on a four-year placement cycle and the G4s were the first to be distributed initially when we rolled out Chromebooks division-wide,” said Comfort.

Students can exchange their G4 model Chromebooks and charger after an appointment is set on the OLHS homepage.