2021 AP Exam Schedule Release


Schedule for this year’s Advanced Placement exams

Virginia Beach City Public Schools will administer Advanced Placement (AP) exams from May 18 to May 28, 2021.

“College Board was flexible and implemented alternate AP exam testing dates for schools to choose, as some schools across the United States are on various school operating schedules. The alternate AP exam testing dates, chosen for VBCPS fits timewise for AP teachers to finish the curriculum,” said AP exam coordinator, Bryan Everett.

On Feb. 4, College Board announced that there will be a decision for test-takers to either take the digital exam or the physical exam at a testing site for most subjects with the exception of music theory and world languages.

All option one and option two students are invited to take the physical exam at Ocean Lakes on the day the exams are scheduled.

AP exams for Music Theory and world languages will strictly take place in person. Additionally, the AP European History exam will be only taken digitally.

“It’s considerate that College board has left some leeway for students to take the exam either digitally or in person. However, I do wish that every exam was offered in both testing formats— for the student to choose what they would prefer for their own safety,” said sophomore Jumana Zara.

VBCPS will administer a survey in April to determine who is electing to take the exam in person or remotely. 

Full-length exams, which are around three hours, are scheduled to commence throughout the set testing day. Although there are set dates for the exam, there will be alternate makeup days offered June 1 -11 for those unable to attend.

“AP teachers are working above and beyond to get their students prepared for the exams. Even with the pandemic, we have a good number of students ready and excited for testing day,” said Everett.