A look through ophthalmology and cataract surgery

Along with having a passion in the medical field, Anna Luong is a pianist as shown in the picture as she performs at a concert on April 6, 2021.

Anna Luong

Along with having a passion in the medical field, Anna Luong is a pianist as shown in the picture as she performs at a concert on April 6, 2021.

Manju Mure, Staff Writer

Lights dim. 

Only a single spotlight shines on stage, illuminating one individual. 

Anna Luong stands near the podium, waiting for her turn to speak as academy advisor Allison Graves introduces her senior project. 

Described as a topic very close to her heart, Anna focused on ophthalmology, a field of study concerning eye health and diagnosis.  With a keen interest in this field from an early age, her decision to study in this career field began with her parents.

“Both of my parents are optometrists and I was really inspired by how they approach their patients and optometry. They love their career and that kind of inspired and persuaded me to look forward to the eye care field for all my life,” said Anna.

Exposure to this field at a young age assisted Anna in implementing this passion project of hers, thus educating others and herself in the process. 

“My favorite part was shadowing at Beach Eye Care at the Kemps River Location. I loved learning from my mentor about his job and I made those connections and was able to ask questions that I was really interested in learning more about, which I don’t think I could do anywhere else,” said Anna.

Compiling all her resources and notes taken over the summer, Anna designed a product geared towards those in AP Psychology and Anatomy to teach them about her topic.

“I made a website that detailed eye anatomy, eye professions, and what is cataract surgery, which educated people about cataract surgery. It was also a potential launch into my profession of being a cataract surgeon,” said Anna.

Recently wrapping up her senior project with her presentation in early March, Anna sees her future in ophthalmology, starting off with a four-year degree on the pre-med track.