MSA Presentations: Rachelle Hart

Senior Rachelle Hart presents a visual aid to demonstrate music to brain function on March 9.

Senior Rachelle Hart presents a visual aid to demonstrate music to brain function on March 9.

Math and Science Academy senior Rachelle Hart presented her senior capstone project on how playing a musical instrument affects the brain, inspired by her sophomore symposium project.

Rachel received her basis for her research project from previous interest with neuroscience and music talent, but she received her first real glimpse of neuroscience at Camp Neuro under Dr. Musto at Eastern Virginia Medical School.

“Throughout my childhood I was always inspired by scientific studies and mental disorders,” said Rachel.

Much of what Rachel experienced at Camp Neuro helped her with the link between music and the brain. Rachel learned that the brain is part of the nervous system, which controls movement, and by playing an instrument, it can benefit the brain.

“The corpus callosum is the bridge between the left and right side of the brain,” said Rachel. “Playing an instrument can strengthen this and boost creativity.”

Rachel gained her interest in this subject field through a television series, Black Box, which deals with patients with brain diseases. Rachel also advocates for the continued teaching of music in school, and that it is just as important as science.

“Playing an instrument gives the brain a 100% workout,” said Rachel. “I wanted to educate the public on its benefits so it can still be taught in schools.”