After the Pakistan lottery, junior aims to win at life

The daughter of a Pakistan lottery winner reflects on her unlikely lucky life

Abby Asimos

During her study block, Batool Ayaz admires an old picture of her (third down) and her family. Feb 25.

Abby Asimos, Features Editor

Despite her life’s normal appearance consisting of playing tennis and making jokes, MSA junior Batool Ayaz’s life is anything but conventional. Before she was even born, Batool’s father scratched a lottery ticket that transformed her family’s life in Pakistan forever.

“My dad was chosen as the Pakistan’s lottery winner, and after that, my family was approved to come to America,” said Batool. “It’s crazy that he won because if he didn’t, I would definitely not have been born in America.”

Once her family arrived in the United States and Batool was born, they started the process of assimilation while still holding on to their Pakistani roots.

“I learned to conform to American culture in school, but keep my Pakistani culture around my family and other Pakistanis. I did have an accent growing up, and that was kind of tough,” said Batool. “But, I had lots of other Pakistani friends who I’m still friends with today, so I never felt like I was the odd one out or weird compared to others.”

In the midst of conformity, Batool uncovered something that set her apart: her witty sense of humor.  

“Batool is absolutely hilarious,” said teammate Andrea Ayala. “She makes the whole tennis team laugh all the time, especially me. She still manages to work hard at practice and games though; she’s very dedicated.”

Batool’s diligent mentality stems from her parents’ hard-working example.

“My parents came to America with pretty much nothing, so they definitely taught me how to be thankful for and value all that I have,” said Batool. “Yes, they are very strict compared to American standards, but I am still eternally grateful to have my parents because I know how hard they worked to give me the best possible life in America.”