Weather affects spirit and school performance


Naturalists’ belief that outside forces operate the world directly correlates with how weather often seems to control people’s feelings toward life and more specifically, toward school. Outside conditions often dictate student performance and mood in the classroom.

“I would like it to be warm outside because I feel like I perform better when it’s bright outside, rather than when it is rainy,” said junior Batool Ayaz.

Although the sun is often connected to positivity and energy, new studies show that workers are more productive on rainy days than on sunny ones, according to Harvard Business School.

Sunny climates add distractions and give the impression an individual is missing out on outdoor opportunities, therefore making one less motivated.  So, although some may feel more motivated when the weather is “nice,” it can hinder school performance.

Although the main age of onset seasonal depression is between 20 and 30 years of age, symptoms can appear earlier, according to Reduced levels of sunlight in the fall and winter months often affects an individual’s serotonin, a neurotransmitter that affects mood, no matter the age.

Even though Harvard Business School’s research may reveal that rainy weather increases productivity, library media specialist Beth Labiak still prefers sunshine and a chance to enjoy the outdoors to refresh the mind.

“I still, always, want it to be sunny because when I get off work, I can go outside [to enjoy the day],” said Labiak.